Your next steps

If you have been hurt at work, you need adequate help and support to overcome your disability. We know the system, its problems, its unfairness and its life-threatening and family-altering symptoms.

We can’t cure your injury, but we can take away the worry of not understanding the system. You CAN get back in control of your life.

  • Report the accident, illness, or disease as soon as possible to a supervisor or upper management for the company.
  • Make sure that a formal report is written to verify your accident (Employers Form 7, and Employee Form 6).
  • Call us @ 1-866-WCB-WSIB for a FREE Consultation! Give us your Stress.
  • Make an appointment immediately with your health care professional. Make sure your Chiropractor, Specialist, or Doctor submit a Form 8.
  • Follow all the instructions, (restrictions) issued by the medical personnel on the Form 26, or the Functional Abilities Form.
  • Make sure that you keep your management team informed of your injury, or illness on a frequent basis.
  • We will do the rest! Don’t wait to be cutoff, avoid losing your income, assets, and or your state of mind.
Hurt at work

Request A Consultation